This entry was originally posted on my Facebook account on 5/19. Later that day I removed it from there and placed it here because frankly there are a lot of people on my FB friends list who:
(a) have no idea what has been happening in my life since mid-March of this year and would not understand, and furthermore don't believe this sort of thing ever happens to anyone anyway,
(b) will think I'm begging for money,
(c) will ask questions publically that I'd rather answer privately,
(d) will think I'm making it up, and/or
(e) will think I'm batshit crazy.
Not necessarily in that order. ;)
I also would like to disassociate what I write here with my actual identity for the time being, and if you are a follower of this blog, or intend to follow it, the reason for this will become clear as I continue to write here. If you already know who I am, feel free to link to or tell others about this blog but please keep my identity to yourself for now. Some of what I say here is... well lets just call it sensitive information. Hi, have we met? Nope.
Anyway, here's that FB entry:
Last night I discovered why my laptop has been acting funny. At some point someone was able to modify many of my local security policies that allowed almost any other computer on the network (here, a hotel-wide wifi network) remote access of almost my entire machine. Now, local security policies are changed through administrator rights, with the user almost certainly having physical access to my machine. And as if that isn't freaky enough, listen to this. I worked into the night and around 4AM finally got my policies redone and ICP locked down, and reconnected to the network. Approximately 5 minutes later, the telephone in my room rang once time and stopped. The trace log I set up shows he's been trying everything under the sun to get back in, INCLUDING an attempt to kill and modify the trace log itself. Not to mention this person knew what room I'm in, and clearly wanted me to know he knew. Folks, I have balls he size of apples but I don't feel safe here anymore. If anyone is interested in helping us get out of this place ASAP, I'd appreciate anything anyone can offer, including getting me in touch with someone looking to sublet an apartment, rent a room in a house, and/or assist with moving. Even old friends with an automobile willing to give a few rides would be appreciated beyond words. Msg me privately, I am unwilling to give out my cell phone number publicly. Thank you and my God bless every single one of you.
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