Friday, December 30, 2011

Car Crash Dream: 12/30/11

Last night I had a long dream involving a series of freak accidents that ended in an automobile crash. I don't remember much of it, but I do remember the ending. I awoke somewhat disturbed by the dream, so I posted about it on my Facebook page. I carried a tone of strange, unpleasant energy with me as I went about my business for the day.

Mid-morning, I found myself having to take a cab due to time constraints. This is a deviation from my normal routine, as normally I take the bus and train and can't afford a cab. But the cab was there, I was in a hurry, so I jumped in.

When the driver was dropping me off, someone backing out slammed into the side of our cab. Nothing major.. no one was hurt. But given everything that's happened, I can't say I didn't see that one coming.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Predictive Ability Continues

Given everything that's been going on lately with the numbers and dreams and what not, I decided to try an experiment tonight. I wanted to see if I could in some way predict what was going to be on the next TV channel before I changed it.

On the first attempt, I had an image in my head of the nose end of one of the X-wing fighters from Star Wars... when I changed the channel some guy immediately said "She's gone rogue." If you remember, Rogue Squadron was one of the divisions of X-wing fighters the rebels used against the death star.

The second time I saw the word "El" in my head, when I changed the channel there was a guy talking with what appeared to be a list of the letters of the alphabet behind him. The letter "L" was center of the screen. The program also turned out to be MontEL Williams.

The third time I saw a wall with an end table in front of it.. when I changed the channel there was a wall with an end table in front of it in the shot.

The fourth time I saw what looked like the ground view of a runway.. when I changed it there was a guy riding a motorcycle down a runway.

The fifth time I saw a wall with part of a picture frame, and before I could even change it a shot of a guy looking at a painting came on, and the shot was of part of the frame and the wall it was on.

The images weren't EXACTLY what I saw in my head, but pretty damn close. I was amazed, so I jumped Facebook to message a friend that I've been talking to about some of this stuff. After I typed the message, I looked to the ad bar on the right of the screen.

In the column was an image of an X-wing fighter from Star Wars.

I have no idea what to make of any of this.

Friday, December 09, 2011

The Case for Numbers

So I've been blathering on this blog for some time about seeing the number 144 everywhere.

Today, on a whim, I decided to Google my full given name. THIS was the second entry on the list, a RootsWeb entry of a man with my name who lived in 1855. Our name is identical. We were both born in September.

And his RootsWeb ID number is 8144.

Also, yesterday I was in Walgreens and they called a "Code 44" over the intercom. I was only in there 5 minutes.

There is quite a bit on the Internet about this phenomenon already, such as THIS THREAD and THIS POST (read the comments) and also THIS ONE is pretty good, too. If this isn't enough, just Google "I see master numbers" or "I see 144 everywhere" and you will be deluged with people sharing their experiences. Many of the articles also mention seeing the other numbers I talk about quite a bit: 33, 333, 666, 111, 1111 among others. There are a few others people talk about seeing that I've never heard of, but the ones listed are much more common among number-seers. For me, 144 is the most common by far; some days I see or hear it through some input source as often as 3 times in 15 minutes. And I make a point not to scan for it.. it does a good enough job of showing up on it's own.

What you will also find online is no shortage of people trying to explain what the number sightings mean. I've heard every explanation from lightworker awakening to spiritual guidance to angelic communication, and everything in between. Speaking for myself, I don't have my own theory as to meaning yet. It simply hasn't been happening long enough. Rest assured that if I ever do figure out the meaning, I'll be sure to share it here.

There is one other number I have seen quite a bit, and that is the number 316. 316 sightings aren't as common from what I've read, but they do occur; I was ready to dismiss the whole 316 thing as coincidence until I happened to mention it on my Facebook page, and received a reply from a girl named Kristi that I used to go to school with. Kristi says she's been seeing 316 her entire life. Not only does she see it, but apparently every time she checks into a hotel she almost always gets assigned to room 316.

316 is the number that started it all for me. For about a week back in April, every day I would happen to look at the clock at 3:16PM. During that week, our friend Andrea sent us a Bible, the Bible we use every day, and when I received the package containing the Bible from the front desk, I glanced at my watch. It was 3:16PM. I thought this was very strange at the time because I had no idea that number sightings were any kind of a phenomenon at all. This all had been going on for nearly a month before I began to search the Internet and found out about the whole 11:11 phenomenon. Before that I had no idea about any of this stuff. At all.

Bear with me, I'm going somewhere with all this.

About a week after I began seeing 316, I noticed that the hotel phone number ended in 666. Then for a while 666 was everywhere I turned. There are some earlier entries on this blog where I talk about seeing it often. You can look back at previous posts if you want; I've talked about it on at least a couple of occasions. Although I don't see 666 much at all anymore, it remains one of the big ones.

Okay, so... what is the common thread among most of these numbers? The majority of them appear somewhere in the Holy Bible. John 3:16 is probably the most quoted passage in the Bible. 666 and 144 appear in Revelation. 3 (33 and 333.. repeating 3s) is the number of the Trinity. There is the fact that I was 40 years old when all this started (40 appears over and over again in the Bible.. the Israelites spent 40 years in the desert, it rained 40 days and nights in the story of Noah). And also you have Romans 1:11, which talks about being given spiritual gifts. Take all this together and you have a group of numbers that appear to be pointing me toward the Christian faith.

It was enough for me. So.. I was baptized as a Lutheran last Sunday. And this leads me to one more story.

After the baptism last Sunday, Nicolle and I went to a local seafood restaurant for a little mini-celebration. After receiving the check, I pulled out my card to pay. I noticed that the last 3 digits were 133. Then I looked at the receipt. We were seated at table 3, the check had been tabbed out at 12:33PM on terminal number 3. This began one of the biggest number assaults I've experienced yet. Over the course of the next 24 hours, the numbers 33, 133 and 333 were everywhere I turned. Television, newspaper.. you name it. I tried to count the number of times it popped up and lost count around 30. The next day I pulled out an old Chinese menu for a place called Custer Wok (I have no idea where the menu came from), and saw the last 3 digits of the phone number was 133. The order total wound up being just over $33, and our order number was 33. Then just as quickly as it started appearing, it stopped.

Pretty fitting to be bombarded with the number 3 on the day of my baptism.