A sign in the form of the number 144 has popped up several times recently:
1. The Internal Affairs report I filed over a month ago was assigned a case number ending in -144.
2. Mike Flipp has a section in his book "2! A Book that Details the Signs Given to me by God" where the prisoner count in the cell block where he is a guard strangely ended up being 144 one day. (You can download the book for free from his website by clicking here. Download the book, and check out the section dated "June 27th, 2007".) The fact that the count came out to 144 was a big enough deal for him to put a section in his book about it.
3. We met some very special people today who came by today, and in the course of our conversation they mentioned having exactly $144.00 in one of their accounts. I had had other signs these people were special and their mention of 144 confirmed it.
4. A friend called me from an unusual phone number today that had 144 in it.
5. There was one other sighting of 144 somewhere this morning, but where I saw it escapes me. It may have been something I read in scripture. If and when I remember I'll edit this post to include it here.
Suffice it to say, I've been seeing 144 all day and Nicolle and I have been very aware of this number and have talking about seeing it nearly all day long before now.
Now then... just a few minutes ago I was dozing and having a mini-dream where people were in a building somewhere and were pouring out of the interior offices and running screaming down a hallway. I think some kind of natural disaster was occurring, I couldn't tell if the people were running to an interior room (as in a tornado) or running to the exit (as in an earthquake). Then I saw the outside of the building. It appeared to be in the country, as outside the building there was farmland and cows inside a fence. There was a vehicle (maybe an emergency vehicle?) with the number 365 on it. Yes, I'm aware 365 is the number of days in a year, but didn't realize that until Nicolle pointed it out.
5. While I was dreaming this, Nicolle was lying beside me reading. When I awoke from the mini-dream, for some out-of-the-blue reason it occurred to me to ask her what page she was on of the book she was reading.
"Page 144", she said. She says she had just turned the page to 144, and remembering that 144 had come up several times all day she asked, "Did you look at the page number before you asked me that?" "No," I said. "I was just dozing. I don't even know why I even thought to ask you what page you were on." Really... it was just like something.. came over me. That's about as well as I can explain it.
I take this as a warning that some severe natural disaster is coming. When, I don't know. Maybe 144 days from now. Maybe 144 hours. But 144 clearly means something. The problem with this prophecy thing is I can only report the pieces I'm given. I have no control over any of it. I'm just the vessel, and I try to report what I'm given exactly as I dream it. I probably shouldn't even try to interpret it, that should be left for someone with the interpretation gift.
I can say I feel like I'm getting somewhat of a handle on how to use this gift. Like I described in my last post, when the man with the last name "Angel" called, I knew this meant something to do with angels would happen soon after. Indeed, the next day I met a cab driver named Gabriel that I had a very meaningful conversation with.
So far as I can tell, seeing the same number sequence many times in the same day before a dream like that, then having that dream, then immediately afterward getting some sort of confirmation by the same number "coincidentally" appearing again... it has to be relevant. Has to.
But what's going to happen, I don't konw. Keep your eyes peeled for severe natural disasters in the near future. How 365 plays in to this, I don't know either.
RTH 8/14/2011 9:47PM
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Angels and Coincidences
Last night I posted an ad on a local message board about needing housing. I got one call last night after the post went up, a man with the last name "Angel". I want to keep his first name out of this out of respect.. he doesn't now me and I don't feel it would be right to blast his name all over the Internet because he was calling to see if he could help us.
He asked me quite a few questions, as preliminary landlords are prone to do. He was polite and we clearly shared a Christian viewpoint. After we hung up, I couldn't get it out of my head that his last name was Angel. I think I've stated numerous times on this blog that I believe we're protected by angels, and still believe that.
So today, we were informed that some of Nicolle's medicine was ready for pickup at her doctor's office. For some reason they wouldn't call it in, so I had to fork over for a cab. I briefly considered the bus and train but the way the buses run here I would be lucky to have gotten to the doctor's office by tomorrow morning, let alone by 5PM today. Besides, it isn't far, so I went ahead and called a cab.
Cab came. We took off to our destination, and as he seemed friendly, we got to talking. Eventually, I introduced myself by name, and so did he. His name was Gabriel.
After getting the sign last night, I knew something about angels would come up today. I'm learning a little bit about how to read the what I'm being given and I'm slowly making progress. I knew it would come up, and it did.
After we made the rounds... doctor's office and pharmacy, I told him about some of the experiences I've been having. Then he asked me to pray for him. He said he had something going on in his life of a very spiritual nature, and said there were a group of people involved causing some sort of conflict. I couldn't understand him very well because he had a heavy Nigerian accent, but I promised to pray for him, and as I did, out of the blue I was suddenly overcome at that moment to give him some advice as well. I told him this: "You carry the name of the Angel of the Lord, so you are blessed. (He had also told me his son's name was Issac). I don't know what your trial is, but remember this: Evil never triumphs over good. I've sometimes had people tell me that this isn't always true, but they are mistaken. Sometimes this appears to be the case, and for one specific reason: The fact is, the only time evil triumphs over good is when the good people give up the fight. If you are right, just and truthful, and what you are doing is good, never give up. No matter what. You can be assured it won't be easy, you'll suffer, and you might even come to harm.. it depends on the battle. But do this and you will win whatever battles with evil are ahead of you. Remember what Paul said to Timothy from prison. 'I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith'." (Strangely enough, this quote from Paul was the exact same thing I said to Mr. Angel last night, when he asked about how we were handling our situation.)
Gabriel thanked me. Then he looked me in the eye and shook my hand. "Your name is Timothy," he said. "Timothy, yes," I said. "God bless, and don't give up."
And I went inside the hotel.
It's true. I didn't mention to the man anything of our current battles or about our supernatural ceiling manifestations.. it just wasn't appropriate to get into it. But what I DID tell him is something I live my life by. Nicolle and I are in a battle with pure evil. It is a hard battle we're fighting. But we will prevail, or we will die trying. the wrongs that have been done to us, including the damage done to my own daughter, my baby.. can only be reversed by pushing and pushing until the truth of the entire situation is revealed. Many people want us to shut up and go away, stop complaining, stop being negative.. blah blah blah. I've had my life threatened on more than one occasion. But the people wanting us to move on simply don't understand that there is so much more here involved than just "moving on". This is about honor, truth, and justice. This is about righting wrongs that have been done by fighting until the deed is done. It's the only way. And it will be done, because God is with us. I feel His spirit everywhere.
He asked me quite a few questions, as preliminary landlords are prone to do. He was polite and we clearly shared a Christian viewpoint. After we hung up, I couldn't get it out of my head that his last name was Angel. I think I've stated numerous times on this blog that I believe we're protected by angels, and still believe that.
So today, we were informed that some of Nicolle's medicine was ready for pickup at her doctor's office. For some reason they wouldn't call it in, so I had to fork over for a cab. I briefly considered the bus and train but the way the buses run here I would be lucky to have gotten to the doctor's office by tomorrow morning, let alone by 5PM today. Besides, it isn't far, so I went ahead and called a cab.
Cab came. We took off to our destination, and as he seemed friendly, we got to talking. Eventually, I introduced myself by name, and so did he. His name was Gabriel.
After getting the sign last night, I knew something about angels would come up today. I'm learning a little bit about how to read the what I'm being given and I'm slowly making progress. I knew it would come up, and it did.
After we made the rounds... doctor's office and pharmacy, I told him about some of the experiences I've been having. Then he asked me to pray for him. He said he had something going on in his life of a very spiritual nature, and said there were a group of people involved causing some sort of conflict. I couldn't understand him very well because he had a heavy Nigerian accent, but I promised to pray for him, and as I did, out of the blue I was suddenly overcome at that moment to give him some advice as well. I told him this: "You carry the name of the Angel of the Lord, so you are blessed. (He had also told me his son's name was Issac). I don't know what your trial is, but remember this: Evil never triumphs over good. I've sometimes had people tell me that this isn't always true, but they are mistaken. Sometimes this appears to be the case, and for one specific reason: The fact is, the only time evil triumphs over good is when the good people give up the fight. If you are right, just and truthful, and what you are doing is good, never give up. No matter what. You can be assured it won't be easy, you'll suffer, and you might even come to harm.. it depends on the battle. But do this and you will win whatever battles with evil are ahead of you. Remember what Paul said to Timothy from prison. 'I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith'." (Strangely enough, this quote from Paul was the exact same thing I said to Mr. Angel last night, when he asked about how we were handling our situation.)
Gabriel thanked me. Then he looked me in the eye and shook my hand. "Your name is Timothy," he said. "Timothy, yes," I said. "God bless, and don't give up."
And I went inside the hotel.
It's true. I didn't mention to the man anything of our current battles or about our supernatural ceiling manifestations.. it just wasn't appropriate to get into it. But what I DID tell him is something I live my life by. Nicolle and I are in a battle with pure evil. It is a hard battle we're fighting. But we will prevail, or we will die trying. the wrongs that have been done to us, including the damage done to my own daughter, my baby.. can only be reversed by pushing and pushing until the truth of the entire situation is revealed. Many people want us to shut up and go away, stop complaining, stop being negative.. blah blah blah. I've had my life threatened on more than one occasion. But the people wanting us to move on simply don't understand that there is so much more here involved than just "moving on". This is about honor, truth, and justice. This is about righting wrongs that have been done by fighting until the deed is done. It's the only way. And it will be done, because God is with us. I feel His spirit everywhere.
good vs evil,
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
What's Coming?
A few of the dreams I haven't mentioned very much about over the past month or so involve a particular theme. Me riding in an armored vehicle of some sort. Now, I'm not going to say this is a prophecy, because the dreams were quite fuzzy and frankly I don't remember most of them. But I do remember that part clearly. And I can't say they've had "the feel", but that doesn't mean they aren't predictive in some way. I don't know. But suffice to say I have been having dreams about internal US warzones, one which included a safe with a china plate in it. I'm not making this up, I'm just not doing a very good job of explaining it because I don't feel much like blogging right now. I've got food to procure for my lady.
What I do know is that I checked in on an online friend's website today and looked at some of the stuff he's been putting up lately. Click the link below.
The Strong Watchman
Maybe I'm wrong. I hope so.
What I do know is that I checked in on an online friend's website today and looked at some of the stuff he's been putting up lately. Click the link below.
The Strong Watchman
Maybe I'm wrong. I hope so.
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Another Dream - By Both of Us
The time now is 7:03AM, August 6th 2011.
I just had another dream. In the dream I lived in a house with some other people.. not people I knew, but the implication was that we were there because we had to be. The house was old and run down. I don't think we had electricity. At one point we were going over issues within the house (we maintained the house as a committee, it seemed) and someone said, "we have to do something about all this standing water." At one point later in the dream, and this part was very clear.. I was standing in the kitchen, looked across it, and there was 2-3 inches of stagnant, standing water in the dream. And then, for a split second, I dreamed about seeing a beer price list, you know, draft beers which are 2-3 dollars in a pub somewhere. The price of the beer was $12.40. By my calculation within the dream, I had it as about 3 times what it would normally cost.
I woke up.
Told Nicolle about the dream.
She informs me that she had been having as dream as well, in which we were living in a dilapidated (she uses the term "in a state of disrepair", which is a fine description of the house in my dream)house with some other people we didn't know. Also, our household had been having a problem with standing water, too. She said it was dark all the time and there didn't appear to be any electricity. She said it was very dangerous for her to be there, so she only moved around at night. The standing water seemed to come in at night in her dream and by nightfall there would 2-3 inches deep standing around. She said I was going to some sort of school for cooking (remember, I was in the kitchen when I saw the standing water in my dream). According to her, the cooking school seemed to be some front, in which I really did something for an underground movement concerning computers. She re-iterates that it was dangerous for her to be there during the day so she hid. She said the computers were all really old and clunky and had a very specialized use. What the use was she doesn't know. The computers were very old but were very important. The standing water kept getting on the computers and it was a major battle to keep them dry. In both dreams, the standing water seemed to be a major problem.
End dreams.
So.. Nicolle and I just had mostly the exact same dream at the exact same time, lying in bed next to each other. The common elements are: Standing water. And old dilapidated house with us and strangers in which the house was run by committee. She says I was in cooking school, and I saw the standing water clearest when I was in the kitchen. It was dark, probably with no electricity.
This dream means something. I think I'm going to go ahead and tell everyone to take this as some sort of prophecy. The fact that we basicaly dreamed it together while lying next to each other is amazing enough.
I'd appreciate interpretation feedback. If you know someone, who interprets dreams, please send this link to them immediately, and report back.
RTH 7/6/2011
I just had another dream. In the dream I lived in a house with some other people.. not people I knew, but the implication was that we were there because we had to be. The house was old and run down. I don't think we had electricity. At one point we were going over issues within the house (we maintained the house as a committee, it seemed) and someone said, "we have to do something about all this standing water." At one point later in the dream, and this part was very clear.. I was standing in the kitchen, looked across it, and there was 2-3 inches of stagnant, standing water in the dream. And then, for a split second, I dreamed about seeing a beer price list, you know, draft beers which are 2-3 dollars in a pub somewhere. The price of the beer was $12.40. By my calculation within the dream, I had it as about 3 times what it would normally cost.
I woke up.
Told Nicolle about the dream.
She informs me that she had been having as dream as well, in which we were living in a dilapidated (she uses the term "in a state of disrepair", which is a fine description of the house in my dream)house with some other people we didn't know. Also, our household had been having a problem with standing water, too. She said it was dark all the time and there didn't appear to be any electricity. She said it was very dangerous for her to be there, so she only moved around at night. The standing water seemed to come in at night in her dream and by nightfall there would 2-3 inches deep standing around. She said I was going to some sort of school for cooking (remember, I was in the kitchen when I saw the standing water in my dream). According to her, the cooking school seemed to be some front, in which I really did something for an underground movement concerning computers. She re-iterates that it was dangerous for her to be there during the day so she hid. She said the computers were all really old and clunky and had a very specialized use. What the use was she doesn't know. The computers were very old but were very important. The standing water kept getting on the computers and it was a major battle to keep them dry. In both dreams, the standing water seemed to be a major problem.
End dreams.
So.. Nicolle and I just had mostly the exact same dream at the exact same time, lying in bed next to each other. The common elements are: Standing water. And old dilapidated house with us and strangers in which the house was run by committee. She says I was in cooking school, and I saw the standing water clearest when I was in the kitchen. It was dark, probably with no electricity.
This dream means something. I think I'm going to go ahead and tell everyone to take this as some sort of prophecy. The fact that we basicaly dreamed it together while lying next to each other is amazing enough.
I'd appreciate interpretation feedback. If you know someone, who interprets dreams, please send this link to them immediately, and report back.
RTH 7/6/2011
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Dream - August 4th, 2011
This is my accounting of the dream sequence I had on Thursday, August 4, 2011.
Let me start with some brief personal background. My father died in 2003. Although he had been sick and it wasn't a surprise (he was 85) I was torn to pieces over it because I loved him very much. Ever since then I occasionally have dreams about him. In the dreams, he is alive, and I never understand why. I always wind up asking him.. why are you alive when we had a funeral for you?" This has gone on, occasionally, since his death. Obviously I ask him this question in the dream because I'm alseep and don't realize that I am dreaming.
He left his homestead property, and the house I grew up in, to be divided between my brother, my step-mother, and me. In recent years my brother bought out our shares and from what I understand has commenced rebuilding the house and associated property, which had been abandonded and was in bad shape.
This long dream was a series of dream sequences. I'll take them one at a time.
It began with me and two other (unknown) people visiting the old homestead property. Apparently my brother had done much work, including converting the large front yard to some sort of rodeo arena. There was unfinished construction all around. We entered the property, and it was unfinished lavishness. There was a sliding glass door, which I opened to find two swimming pools. Other parts of the house were more unfinished, and as I wandered around it was as run-down as I remember it being as a teenager. One of the rooms had a bed, and in it were a married couple that I think I knew but can't be sure. They looked very sad.
I was riding in a car on the passenger side. My dad was driving. At this point, I became fully aware I was dreaming. I looked at my dad, and knowing he had died and I was talking to his spirit, I asked him, "How are you?"
"I'm doing well", he said. "I'm proud of you. I was very worried about you last time I saw you." (In 1995, before I moved to Dallas, I had a minor breakdown in front of my dad. I was crying furiously and it freaked him out. This is the event he was referring to, I did see him several times after I moved to Dallas, but I do remember that event clearly, and I'm sure it did worry him at the time.) At that point, I looked very closely at him, and two things occured to me. My dad was very country and would never say, "I'm doing well". And also, close inspection of his face made me realize that it looked ALMOST like him, but something was off. It might have been him, it might not.
I woke up on a couch in a house somewhere I didn't recognize. There were several people around me I didn't know. It was clearly their house. "You've been asleep for a day and a half", one said. "We just let you sleep". "Thank you for letting me sleep", I said. "Obviously I needed it."
"What's your name?" they asked. (At this point, I became fully aware, within the dream, that I was dreaming. I became keenly aware that I was some other dimensional plane. I knew I was alseep in my bed back at the hotel, and that Nicolle was alseep beside me.)
"I'm Tim Hawkins", I said. The reacted very strangely when I said this. One of them said something to the effect of, 'We've been expecting you."
At that point I looked up and a man in a green vest (kind of like those blue Wal-mart vests, only green) walked down a halway and up to me. "Follow me", he said. He appeared to be some sort of basic authority figure. So I followed him down the hallway.
Shortly, he began to run. I began to run after him. At that point I heard someone coming up behind me. I wasn't afraid, but I decided to outrun them. I started running faster and pulled away from them, but in doing so I lost sight of the man I was following. As we entered some large building (kind of like.. Wal-mart, only not Wal-mart). There were lots of people in regular clothes milling around.
The man had turned right or left and I had missed the direction he turned. I made a quick choice, and turned left. I ran into a crowd of the people with regular clothes.
(At this point I'm still fully aware I'm dreaming, and am convinced I'm on another dimensional plane.) I begin asking people what this place was, and telling them who I was. I asked several people about it. then I passed several people who appeared to be bowing to me, like in worship. Things were moving fast at this point because I was looking for the man in the green vest. I needed to find him.
I went back across the hallway I'd run down, over to the right side. There were more people in regular clothes. The all appeared to be becoming aware of me and who I was, and I started telling them who I was and was going to find out what this place was. I saw another man (not the same guy as before) in a green vest. As I started toward him, another man, this one wearing a green collared shirt, came up to me and took me by the arm. I got the sense that this man was a level above the men in green vests, mainly because of his shirt, but also because he seemed more knowledgable. He gently took my arm in his and leaned over and said in a whisper, "Shhhh. You don't want these people to know.
(The sense I got at the time is what he meant was that they didnt need to know who I was and where I was from. It was implied that yes, they wanted to talk to me, but the information I had wasn't for everyone. It might cause a panic, or might cause them to worship me. I complied. I just wanted answers, and his voice implied that the answers were coming.)
I appeared in another hallway. This time it was a very ancient, stone building. Very dark. At the end of the hallway there were a group of men in hoods. Some kind of ancient order of monks was the sense I got. There may have been some candles lighting the place. Still being fully aware I was dreaming, I decided I didn't want them to see me, so I made myself invisible. I wanted to hear what they were saying.
I approached them. They were talking about me. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but I was sure it was about me. Beside them was a desk with a piece of paper on it. I looked at it. It was blank except for two or three lines of words at the top.
I decided to try to read the words off, in my dream, and verbalize them in my sleep so that Nicolle could hear them. (Remember, I've known I was dreaming the whole time, knew she was beside me, and even knew what time it was where I was sleeping that that she is normally awake at that hour. I figured if I could read the words off in my dream and verbalize them in my sleep, Nicolle would hear me. I wanted to do this in case I forgot the words later, as I often forget blocks of my dreams.)
I began to read the words. I recognized them at the time as very meaningful words that I've seen or thought recently in association with synchronicity.
(Mike Flipp will understand this as it relates to numbers.. you see many but there are certain ones that jump out at you and stick, and you see them repeatedly. I do this with certain numbers too, but recetly it has been happening with certain words as well. With me, it happens like this: my thought processes will be running over nothing in particular, just normal everyday thoughts, and certain words I think in my head will IMMEDIATELY manifest in reality.. I'm hear them on the TV, the radio, or I will see them on someone's shirt, or a billboard... Whatever medium is available depending on what I'm doing. It doesn't seem to matter where I am or what I'm doing, when it happens, it finds a way to manifest.)
So I read off several of the words, before the paper began to shake back and forth, as if there was some power (possibly whoever was controling the dream) knew I was trying to read them and communicate them back to Nicolle. I was able to read off several and was pretty sure I mumbled them in my sleep. I forgot most of what I read, but one I'm certain I saw was the word "PIL", and I'm pretty sure I saw 'CHILDREN" and "POWER". The last two I'm not as sure about, but "PIL" (with only one "L") I am certain about.
Whatever was shaking the paper back and forth then realized that I was still able to read them, so the words just started multiplying into basic words that meant nothing.. "dog", "cat".. basic words that I knew meant nothing. I couldn't read them all. So I stopped trying.
Then I decided to reveal myself to the elders (or monks or whatever). When I appeared, they were cleary taken aback by my appearance! They started to come toward me, and the dream ended.
I woke up. It was early. I actually sleepwalked all the way across the floor to the door, trying to remain asleep and in the dream state. At that point the dream was clearly gone and I woke up completely.
The dream had been so clear and I'd had so much control over it, that I stood there and went over it three times with Nicolle. I did this for a couple of reasons.. I knew it was very important and wanted to nail it into both our heads so it wouldn't be forgotten. But also it was so real that I just couldn't keep talking about it. I posted on Facebook that I'd had "one of those dreams" and I'd explain it later. Then I lay back down and went to bed.
I had scarecly started dozing, and remember that I was starting to dream something, when a second dream suddenly came into my head. I was actually dreaming two things at once. If you want me two explain how, I can't. But there was another, stronger consciousness present. The dream was of me bandaging a wound in someone's (a stranger's) leg with a tourniquet of dollar bills. It was very brief, then gone. And I woke up, mentioned it to Nicolle, considered posting it on Facebook, decided I was too sleepy, and went back to sleep. Didn't dream about anthing else afterward that morning.
Later on this day, the Dow Jones dropped 512 points. London closed down 3.5%. In Japan, The Nikkei dropped over 10%. The Japanese government had to intervene to stabilize the Yen.
I find myself wondering if I'd posted my dream about the tourniquet of dollar bills at 6:30, and someone had listened, would it have made a difference? The world markets lost trillions of dollars. I knew something was wrong early in the day. I knew the dream meant something. I just didn't know it would manifest so quickly.
This prophecy gift is both a blessing and a curse. My pastor told me as much yesterday when I met with her. Today, she was proven right. But it is what it is, and I'm still receptive to the gift. I guess from now on I'll do a better job writing things down and getting the word out when I have another dream like that.
And to all reading this.. I apologize for the harshness of the previous post, which I put up in anger. I won't take it down, because it's the truth, but it was unChristian of me to tear into the woman like that. I'm not perfect, I'm human. And many would say she had it coming. Especially after what we've been through at their hands. I ask all of you to understand my anger and need to further defend my wife. I should have taken the high road, but in my anger I didn't. But then again, one only has so many cheeks.
God Bless.
Let me start with some brief personal background. My father died in 2003. Although he had been sick and it wasn't a surprise (he was 85) I was torn to pieces over it because I loved him very much. Ever since then I occasionally have dreams about him. In the dreams, he is alive, and I never understand why. I always wind up asking him.. why are you alive when we had a funeral for you?" This has gone on, occasionally, since his death. Obviously I ask him this question in the dream because I'm alseep and don't realize that I am dreaming.
He left his homestead property, and the house I grew up in, to be divided between my brother, my step-mother, and me. In recent years my brother bought out our shares and from what I understand has commenced rebuilding the house and associated property, which had been abandonded and was in bad shape.
This long dream was a series of dream sequences. I'll take them one at a time.
It began with me and two other (unknown) people visiting the old homestead property. Apparently my brother had done much work, including converting the large front yard to some sort of rodeo arena. There was unfinished construction all around. We entered the property, and it was unfinished lavishness. There was a sliding glass door, which I opened to find two swimming pools. Other parts of the house were more unfinished, and as I wandered around it was as run-down as I remember it being as a teenager. One of the rooms had a bed, and in it were a married couple that I think I knew but can't be sure. They looked very sad.
I was riding in a car on the passenger side. My dad was driving. At this point, I became fully aware I was dreaming. I looked at my dad, and knowing he had died and I was talking to his spirit, I asked him, "How are you?"
"I'm doing well", he said. "I'm proud of you. I was very worried about you last time I saw you." (In 1995, before I moved to Dallas, I had a minor breakdown in front of my dad. I was crying furiously and it freaked him out. This is the event he was referring to, I did see him several times after I moved to Dallas, but I do remember that event clearly, and I'm sure it did worry him at the time.) At that point, I looked very closely at him, and two things occured to me. My dad was very country and would never say, "I'm doing well". And also, close inspection of his face made me realize that it looked ALMOST like him, but something was off. It might have been him, it might not.
I woke up on a couch in a house somewhere I didn't recognize. There were several people around me I didn't know. It was clearly their house. "You've been asleep for a day and a half", one said. "We just let you sleep". "Thank you for letting me sleep", I said. "Obviously I needed it."
"What's your name?" they asked. (At this point, I became fully aware, within the dream, that I was dreaming. I became keenly aware that I was some other dimensional plane. I knew I was alseep in my bed back at the hotel, and that Nicolle was alseep beside me.)
"I'm Tim Hawkins", I said. The reacted very strangely when I said this. One of them said something to the effect of, 'We've been expecting you."
At that point I looked up and a man in a green vest (kind of like those blue Wal-mart vests, only green) walked down a halway and up to me. "Follow me", he said. He appeared to be some sort of basic authority figure. So I followed him down the hallway.
Shortly, he began to run. I began to run after him. At that point I heard someone coming up behind me. I wasn't afraid, but I decided to outrun them. I started running faster and pulled away from them, but in doing so I lost sight of the man I was following. As we entered some large building (kind of like.. Wal-mart, only not Wal-mart). There were lots of people in regular clothes milling around.
The man had turned right or left and I had missed the direction he turned. I made a quick choice, and turned left. I ran into a crowd of the people with regular clothes.
(At this point I'm still fully aware I'm dreaming, and am convinced I'm on another dimensional plane.) I begin asking people what this place was, and telling them who I was. I asked several people about it. then I passed several people who appeared to be bowing to me, like in worship. Things were moving fast at this point because I was looking for the man in the green vest. I needed to find him.
I went back across the hallway I'd run down, over to the right side. There were more people in regular clothes. The all appeared to be becoming aware of me and who I was, and I started telling them who I was and was going to find out what this place was. I saw another man (not the same guy as before) in a green vest. As I started toward him, another man, this one wearing a green collared shirt, came up to me and took me by the arm. I got the sense that this man was a level above the men in green vests, mainly because of his shirt, but also because he seemed more knowledgable. He gently took my arm in his and leaned over and said in a whisper, "Shhhh. You don't want these people to know.
(The sense I got at the time is what he meant was that they didnt need to know who I was and where I was from. It was implied that yes, they wanted to talk to me, but the information I had wasn't for everyone. It might cause a panic, or might cause them to worship me. I complied. I just wanted answers, and his voice implied that the answers were coming.)
I appeared in another hallway. This time it was a very ancient, stone building. Very dark. At the end of the hallway there were a group of men in hoods. Some kind of ancient order of monks was the sense I got. There may have been some candles lighting the place. Still being fully aware I was dreaming, I decided I didn't want them to see me, so I made myself invisible. I wanted to hear what they were saying.
I approached them. They were talking about me. I couldn't understand what they were saying, but I was sure it was about me. Beside them was a desk with a piece of paper on it. I looked at it. It was blank except for two or three lines of words at the top.
I decided to try to read the words off, in my dream, and verbalize them in my sleep so that Nicolle could hear them. (Remember, I've known I was dreaming the whole time, knew she was beside me, and even knew what time it was where I was sleeping that that she is normally awake at that hour. I figured if I could read the words off in my dream and verbalize them in my sleep, Nicolle would hear me. I wanted to do this in case I forgot the words later, as I often forget blocks of my dreams.)
I began to read the words. I recognized them at the time as very meaningful words that I've seen or thought recently in association with synchronicity.
(Mike Flipp will understand this as it relates to numbers.. you see many but there are certain ones that jump out at you and stick, and you see them repeatedly. I do this with certain numbers too, but recetly it has been happening with certain words as well. With me, it happens like this: my thought processes will be running over nothing in particular, just normal everyday thoughts, and certain words I think in my head will IMMEDIATELY manifest in reality.. I'm hear them on the TV, the radio, or I will see them on someone's shirt, or a billboard... Whatever medium is available depending on what I'm doing. It doesn't seem to matter where I am or what I'm doing, when it happens, it finds a way to manifest.)
So I read off several of the words, before the paper began to shake back and forth, as if there was some power (possibly whoever was controling the dream) knew I was trying to read them and communicate them back to Nicolle. I was able to read off several and was pretty sure I mumbled them in my sleep. I forgot most of what I read, but one I'm certain I saw was the word "PIL", and I'm pretty sure I saw 'CHILDREN" and "POWER". The last two I'm not as sure about, but "PIL" (with only one "L") I am certain about.
Whatever was shaking the paper back and forth then realized that I was still able to read them, so the words just started multiplying into basic words that meant nothing.. "dog", "cat".. basic words that I knew meant nothing. I couldn't read them all. So I stopped trying.
Then I decided to reveal myself to the elders (or monks or whatever). When I appeared, they were cleary taken aback by my appearance! They started to come toward me, and the dream ended.
I woke up. It was early. I actually sleepwalked all the way across the floor to the door, trying to remain asleep and in the dream state. At that point the dream was clearly gone and I woke up completely.
The dream had been so clear and I'd had so much control over it, that I stood there and went over it three times with Nicolle. I did this for a couple of reasons.. I knew it was very important and wanted to nail it into both our heads so it wouldn't be forgotten. But also it was so real that I just couldn't keep talking about it. I posted on Facebook that I'd had "one of those dreams" and I'd explain it later. Then I lay back down and went to bed.
I had scarecly started dozing, and remember that I was starting to dream something, when a second dream suddenly came into my head. I was actually dreaming two things at once. If you want me two explain how, I can't. But there was another, stronger consciousness present. The dream was of me bandaging a wound in someone's (a stranger's) leg with a tourniquet of dollar bills. It was very brief, then gone. And I woke up, mentioned it to Nicolle, considered posting it on Facebook, decided I was too sleepy, and went back to sleep. Didn't dream about anthing else afterward that morning.
Later on this day, the Dow Jones dropped 512 points. London closed down 3.5%. In Japan, The Nikkei dropped over 10%. The Japanese government had to intervene to stabilize the Yen.
I find myself wondering if I'd posted my dream about the tourniquet of dollar bills at 6:30, and someone had listened, would it have made a difference? The world markets lost trillions of dollars. I knew something was wrong early in the day. I knew the dream meant something. I just didn't know it would manifest so quickly.
This prophecy gift is both a blessing and a curse. My pastor told me as much yesterday when I met with her. Today, she was proven right. But it is what it is, and I'm still receptive to the gift. I guess from now on I'll do a better job writing things down and getting the word out when I have another dream like that.
And to all reading this.. I apologize for the harshness of the previous post, which I put up in anger. I won't take it down, because it's the truth, but it was unChristian of me to tear into the woman like that. I'm not perfect, I'm human. And many would say she had it coming. Especially after what we've been through at their hands. I ask all of you to understand my anger and need to further defend my wife. I should have taken the high road, but in my anger I didn't. But then again, one only has so many cheeks.
God Bless.
Reply to House Dropper
This comment is in response to "Anonymous" who threatened to drop a house on my head. I posted a reply on my FB, accepting their offer of housing. This was that person's reply to that.
"The house will drop on your head, NOT ... in your head! You're a very silly man. You can try to shame others, and me-self. Trying is all you will accomplish. The smarter ones are more clear headed, they don't fumble as you do, My God knows of all truths, lies, and deceit. his eyes are on you."
First of all, I know who you are. Having John call was your mistake. You're too weak and pitiful to call yourself. You are the only one who would be worried after I tore into your new family.. Chanelle. From what I hear, everyone is in quite a stir. If it were all crap, why be worried? If I were really that delusional, you'd just let it go. Even though you hide behind "anonymous", you give yourself away by several mistakes.
1. You never have understood the concept of approving blog comments. When you send 10 in the course of 30 minutes, the system treats them of spam. They're not gone, they're waiting to be approved. This is the second time you've made that mistake.
2. The the first time, your dumb mistake was the comment about "pandhandling a ride to Texas to make sure your daughter was ok". Hi Linda. I guess all the dope you did while leaving your children unattended for months at a time really had a profound affect on you.
3. Having John call after screaming at him all day was a sure giveaway. I have respect for John and he doesn't want to be involved. Stop making his life miserable. He has enough to worry about. Maybe you should go back to doing dope, or take up crocheting or something.
4. Don't "like" things on my Facebook page. People adept at blogstalking would know that already.
5. I can see you hit my blog all day long with that silly Samnsung phone you have. your browser is Netfront.
6. And this is most important... if you don't feel ashamed about what you did while you were down here, you really are beyond hope. Nicolle tried to deter me from tearing into you, and for the most part until now I really I have. I didn't mention the abuse to anyone at all. Don't make me. Back your ass up now and your weak ass reputation might have a chance of surviving. Actually, this goes for Chanelle, too. Nicolle might not be willing to put it up, but I know enough about Chanelle's sex life and ailments to fill a book, what Nicolle said Chanelle told her about Denny's penis would be very embarrassing if it got out. And if you want me to elaborate, please continue to jack with us. That goes for the both of you.
7. Even though you learned how to use consistent grammar, you still have consistent mistakes you don't even realize you have that identifies you.
8. If you gave a damn about your daughter, you'd call her instead of have John call her and bitch about what I put up. If you have a problem with what I write, call me. You have my number. Nicolle walked a few weeks ago for the first time in 7 months. If you cared, you'd call her. You'd email her. You'd send her a letter. But you don't. What you do is complain about what I put on the Internet. That's almost as despicable as withholding her medical equipment. And you KNOW you did it, lets not fool ourselves. John is the only one in the family who appears to give a damn about her, and he calls consistently. What you do is piss and moan. Get over yourself.
Back off, if you know what's good for you. That's not a physical threat.. because I'm out of it. It's a DPD/Federal matter now. If you haven't done anything wrong, then you have nothing to worry about. (*wink* we both know the truth of that, don't we?).
If you have further problems with what I say and are too much of a coward to use the phone, our room number is 255. We'll be expecting you.
By the way, IA and the Feds have all your phone numbers. I made sure they were provided in the report. That goes for you too, Chanelle, and Denny. Carla's wasn't available, but I'm sure since she worked for the courthouse, they can find her.
Have a nice day.
"The house will drop on your head, NOT ... in your head! You're a very silly man. You can try to shame others, and me-self. Trying is all you will accomplish. The smarter ones are more clear headed, they don't fumble as you do, My God knows of all truths, lies, and deceit. his eyes are on you."
First of all, I know who you are. Having John call was your mistake. You're too weak and pitiful to call yourself. You are the only one who would be worried after I tore into your new family.. Chanelle. From what I hear, everyone is in quite a stir. If it were all crap, why be worried? If I were really that delusional, you'd just let it go. Even though you hide behind "anonymous", you give yourself away by several mistakes.
1. You never have understood the concept of approving blog comments. When you send 10 in the course of 30 minutes, the system treats them of spam. They're not gone, they're waiting to be approved. This is the second time you've made that mistake.
2. The the first time, your dumb mistake was the comment about "pandhandling a ride to Texas to make sure your daughter was ok". Hi Linda. I guess all the dope you did while leaving your children unattended for months at a time really had a profound affect on you.
3. Having John call after screaming at him all day was a sure giveaway. I have respect for John and he doesn't want to be involved. Stop making his life miserable. He has enough to worry about. Maybe you should go back to doing dope, or take up crocheting or something.
4. Don't "like" things on my Facebook page. People adept at blogstalking would know that already.
5. I can see you hit my blog all day long with that silly Samnsung phone you have. your browser is Netfront.
6. And this is most important... if you don't feel ashamed about what you did while you were down here, you really are beyond hope. Nicolle tried to deter me from tearing into you, and for the most part until now I really I have. I didn't mention the abuse to anyone at all. Don't make me. Back your ass up now and your weak ass reputation might have a chance of surviving. Actually, this goes for Chanelle, too. Nicolle might not be willing to put it up, but I know enough about Chanelle's sex life and ailments to fill a book, what Nicolle said Chanelle told her about Denny's penis would be very embarrassing if it got out. And if you want me to elaborate, please continue to jack with us. That goes for the both of you.
7. Even though you learned how to use consistent grammar, you still have consistent mistakes you don't even realize you have that identifies you.
8. If you gave a damn about your daughter, you'd call her instead of have John call her and bitch about what I put up. If you have a problem with what I write, call me. You have my number. Nicolle walked a few weeks ago for the first time in 7 months. If you cared, you'd call her. You'd email her. You'd send her a letter. But you don't. What you do is complain about what I put on the Internet. That's almost as despicable as withholding her medical equipment. And you KNOW you did it, lets not fool ourselves. John is the only one in the family who appears to give a damn about her, and he calls consistently. What you do is piss and moan. Get over yourself.
Back off, if you know what's good for you. That's not a physical threat.. because I'm out of it. It's a DPD/Federal matter now. If you haven't done anything wrong, then you have nothing to worry about. (*wink* we both know the truth of that, don't we?).
If you have further problems with what I say and are too much of a coward to use the phone, our room number is 255. We'll be expecting you.
By the way, IA and the Feds have all your phone numbers. I made sure they were provided in the report. That goes for you too, Chanelle, and Denny. Carla's wasn't available, but I'm sure since she worked for the courthouse, they can find her.
Have a nice day.
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