A sign in the form of the number 144 has popped up several times recently:
1. The Internal Affairs report I filed over a month ago was assigned a case number ending in -144.
2. Mike Flipp has a section in his book "2! A Book that Details the Signs Given to me by God" where the prisoner count in the cell block where he is a guard strangely ended up being 144 one day. (You can download the book for free from his website by clicking here. Download the book, and check out the section dated "June 27th, 2007".) The fact that the count came out to 144 was a big enough deal for him to put a section in his book about it.
3. We met some very special people today who came by today, and in the course of our conversation they mentioned having exactly $144.00 in one of their accounts. I had had other signs these people were special and their mention of 144 confirmed it.
4. A friend called me from an unusual phone number today that had 144 in it.
5. There was one other sighting of 144 somewhere this morning, but where I saw it escapes me. It may have been something I read in scripture. If and when I remember I'll edit this post to include it here.
Suffice it to say, I've been seeing 144 all day and Nicolle and I have been very aware of this number and have talking about seeing it nearly all day long before now.
Now then... just a few minutes ago I was dozing and having a mini-dream where people were in a building somewhere and were pouring out of the interior offices and running screaming down a hallway. I think some kind of natural disaster was occurring, I couldn't tell if the people were running to an interior room (as in a tornado) or running to the exit (as in an earthquake). Then I saw the outside of the building. It appeared to be in the country, as outside the building there was farmland and cows inside a fence. There was a vehicle (maybe an emergency vehicle?) with the number 365 on it. Yes, I'm aware 365 is the number of days in a year, but didn't realize that until Nicolle pointed it out.
5. While I was dreaming this, Nicolle was lying beside me reading. When I awoke from the mini-dream, for some out-of-the-blue reason it occurred to me to ask her what page she was on of the book she was reading.
"Page 144", she said. She says she had just turned the page to 144, and remembering that 144 had come up several times all day she asked, "Did you look at the page number before you asked me that?" "No," I said. "I was just dozing. I don't even know why I even thought to ask you what page you were on." Really... it was just like something.. came over me. That's about as well as I can explain it.
I take this as a warning that some severe natural disaster is coming. When, I don't know. Maybe 144 days from now. Maybe 144 hours. But 144 clearly means something. The problem with this prophecy thing is I can only report the pieces I'm given. I have no control over any of it. I'm just the vessel, and I try to report what I'm given exactly as I dream it. I probably shouldn't even try to interpret it, that should be left for someone with the interpretation gift.
I can say I feel like I'm getting somewhat of a handle on how to use this gift. Like I described in my last post, when the man with the last name "Angel" called, I knew this meant something to do with angels would happen soon after. Indeed, the next day I met a cab driver named Gabriel that I had a very meaningful conversation with.
So far as I can tell, seeing the same number sequence many times in the same day before a dream like that, then having that dream, then immediately afterward getting some sort of confirmation by the same number "coincidentally" appearing again... it has to be relevant. Has to.
But what's going to happen, I don't konw. Keep your eyes peeled for severe natural disasters in the near future. How 365 plays in to this, I don't know either.
RTH 8/14/2011 9:47PM
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