One of the things people ask about our current situation is, "why are we living in a hotel?"
We haven't always. Seven months ago we had an entire houseful of stuff. We had chairs, couches, dishes, beds and computers. Pictures. Toys that belonged to Ilona. Meaningful things we have collected over a lifetime. Things normal people have that they use to live their lives. Granted, the vast majority of this stuff was in a storage unit in Tarrant County, where we lived for two years. We decided in November to move back to Dallas and start anew. We subletted an apartment from Calista, who was in a bind because she had leased the apartment and then couldn't afford to pay for it. We saw it as a win-win situation for her and us. It was even partially furnished, with a king-size bed, a couch and chair and a few other things. We were not only paying her lease for her, but we also were paying monthly on all the furniture that came with the place. We had what we needed. Three days after we moved in, the accident happened.
After the events of March 19th, we were throw out into the street. Calista and the others bagged up what little extra stuff we had accumulated, including the medical equipment, and threw it into another local storage unit that I provided money for. She also kept all the furniture we had been paying on, and from the time or two I've been to the new unit, it looks like some things were stolen from what they bagged up as well. I have noticed several items missing, including a mattress and houseful of food, that mysteriously did not make it into the unit. There are probably other things, but we don't know yet, because we haven't been able to go through everything. What it does look like, however, that in addition to picking through everything we own while I was at the hospital sitting with Nicolle, someone just took whatever they wanted. Nicolle's friend Andrea had been in town that week and had generously bought us new kitchenware and a houseful of food. All of that food was either taken or thrown away. They told everyone it was all rotten. I think Andrea might have something to say about that.
So, after Nicolle was cleared and released from Parkand, we landed here. The same day we came here, I paid up the other storage unit in Tarrant County. The unit in Dallas, where our pillaged stuff was placed, was off limits because Nicolle's mother removed our names from the lease. I was listed as "expressly forbidden to enter". This addendum wasn't removed until weeks after everyone involved left Texas. Anyone who doesn't believe this can call Marilyn at Uncle Bob's Storage on Skillman street and ask her. Also, I have a copy of the contract. Ooops.
This hotel room runs $240 a week. We have no vehicle, because it was totaled in November in the accident. We have been getting by, barely, but without a car and without me being able to get back to work. Taking care of Nicolle is a full-time job, and one that I'm happy to do. But other people put us in this situation, and recovering from the devastation of a major car accident is hard enough without other people doing their best to take advantage of the no-car, low-income, bedridden-adult situation to crush what was left of our lives.
We've lost the storage in Tarrant County. It was just too much to pay, considering we've been more worried about things like a roof and food. We have not had enough money for deposits on a new place, just enough to remain barely afloat here. No one has offered to help, really, and I haven't asked. And I won't. No one owes us anything except the people who did this, and they're too busy lying to cover their own asses at this point and pointing fingers at each other to bother with us. They should cover their own asses, too.. because one day we'll recover enough to get out of this mess, and we will have justice.
For anyone thinking I've forgotten about posting the text messages we were sent during that despicable week, I haven't. I'll get around to it in depth. In fact, here are a few choice ones to tide you over.
"You're beaufriend is toxic....that is why I'm in texas. He feeds you, he wipes your ass,,,, he feeds you drugs in multiple combinations that could KILL YOU........that is TOXIC!!!!!!!! I have a mothers love and you think i'm toxic??????" 3/23/2011 07:04PM [FROM} Nicolle Mom"
"Could you vanish, go die??????" 3/23/2011 07:11PM [FROM] Nicolle Mom"
"I got into calista's face,,,not the other way around. I am Not holding her equip. Hostage goofy,,, You are holding her hostage from me and now she is a Missing Person and an APB out on her....maybe you'll see it on the news. You have hid her from me, the hospital would not talk to either her dad or I,,,,,that's horrible...WE LOVER her most. You sabotage her, drug her, take her meds than she suffers because of YOU. You've hit should of thought twice on that one. You keep her fucked up so she can't think clearly.....truthfully, i don't think she even really wants you....i believe she really wants to die....that is WHY she lets you drug her so much....then she don't have to realize how really deepdown she hates you. You made her a she just wants to die." 03/23/2011 10:03 PM [FROM] Nicolle Mom"
"This is a new day. Are youi going to tell me whwere you are holding Nikki? HOlding her without the things she needs is only causing her more distress. Each day you are breaking her down by the ongoing neglect." 03/24/2011 08:58 AM [FROM] Nicolle Mom"
"Fuck you tim....I'll send you a postcard in prison tobremind yoiu how i feel about you." 03/25/2011 03:19 PM [FROM] Nicolle Mom"
Nothing like a mother's love, indeed.
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