Lately I have been having dreams that have been coming true either the next day or shortly thereafter. Usually the dreams come true the next day, but the lone exception was a dream about a dual-bladed military transport helicopter crash that as of the posting of this entry I have not seen happen yet. I did see a news report on June 21st about a drone helicopter crash in Libya, but the copter in that crash bore no resemblance to the one in my dream. Nicolle pointed this out immediately, and said on this one I was reaching. As of today the dual-bladed copter crash has not happened as far as I can tell.
Someone has asked me to post an accounting of the first of these dreams. This is strictly an accounting. I do attribute these dreams to being a gift from the Holy Spirit; however I offer no interpretation. Make your own interpretation. If there is anyone who believes I'm making this up.. fine. Move along then. This is my blog, not yours. You can call me delusional, crazy, or whacked out. I don't care. I've been called much worse by certain people recently, and frankly, nothing anyone can say about me will ever hurt me again. That goes for Nicolle, too... the next person to call her hurtful names, accuse her of being crazy, lie about her, or hurt her in any way should fear the Hand of God. We've had enough lies spoken about us and treachery done to us to last us the rest of our lives.
Anyway, here's that dream:
"For the record have a soft spot in my heart for veterans, and I befriended a couple of vets here in the hotel where I live, by the name of Cliff and Ed. Good guys.
In the dream, Cliff approached me and handed me what looked like a dollar bill. He said, "Do you know what that is?" I didn't have my glasses on at the time so I had a hard time seeing it. I put my glasses on and squinted and I was able to see what he handed me.
"That's a silver certificate," I said.
"Right!" said Cliff, and took it back from me. At that point the dream ended,
I woke up, told NIcolle about the dream, and opened my Bible randomly and started reading. I happened to open it to Matthew where I read about Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. I thought this quite a coincidence, but wait until you hear what happened next.
The next day Ed called and asked me to come down, so I went. When I got there Ed asked to borrow twenty bucks, and handed me 1937 solid silver coin to hold as collateral. The talk then turned to the silver content of the coin, and then Ed and Cliff both began to talk about silver certificates.
I was floored."
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