Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Crazy. Or not.

I was walking to the Valero little while ago to get Nicolle peanut butter and bread, which the Shell near me did not have. I pray when I walk quite a bit these days, and during this walk I prayed for focus, and asked God to send me an angel. As I got close to the Valero a girl appeared out of the darkness, and as I passed her she said, "Do I know you?" I assured her she did not, but noted at the time that she looked like an old friend of mine. She explained that she was homeless, from Joplin, MO, and needed $8 to get a hotel room for herself and her kids. I agreed, and she walked with me up to the store.

After I got my items, I gave her the money told her she looked like someone I knew and she said, "What's her name?"

"Sherra", I replied.

"That's crazy!" she said. "My name is Shelby."

And as I left I could have sworn I heard someone in the distance yell, "GILLIGAN!"

Tsk. I look more like the Skipper than anything.

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