Sunday, June 26, 2011

Part 3: In Text We Trust

In the next few days, I will be transcribing text messages sent to Nicolle and I during the week of March 19th thru March 27th. These messages will be verbatim. If anyone has any doubts about the authenticity of what I put up, they are more than welcome to come visit me and view them for themselves. Last time I checked I had around 109.

Strangely enough, it seems some of the messages Nicolle's mom sent to Nicolle appeared to be sent from an iPhone. It's clear that there was a large degree of manipulation of Linda by Chanelle, up to and including Chanelle taking Linda's SIM card and putting it in her iPhone and typing messages for her. Also, Linda probably didn't know this at the time but the police escort Chanelle and/or Carla "provided" her were cops working outside their jurisdiction, making the whole thing illegal and undocumented. This is a big no-no in police procedure. This doesn't excuse what Nicolle's mom did, but I don't believe she knew it was outside the law.

But Chanelle did.

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