Thursday, June 02, 2011

God and Country

In case you hadn't noticed, we are a country in crisis. In these times we face threats not only external, but internal as well.

Ironically enough the Art of War teaches that if you take the time to get to know your enemy well enough, their strengths and weaknesses will be apparent. This observation is done so that you can attack your enemy when they are at their weakest point. Misdirection is also a valuable tool, because it causes confusion, thereby affecting your enemy's ability to respond in a timely fashion, giving you yet another advantage when attacking.

But what if you are not sure who the real enemy is? I would say this is the most dangerous scenario one could face when fighting a war.

I don't pretend to know exactly who is up to what, but I have a damn good idea. And I know which side I am on. I recommend a keen mind balanced with a good heart, yin and yang. I believe in what this country was and will be again. I refuse to let my descendants grow up in a world of darkness, authoritarianism, chaos or disharmony. I can't do much, but I can do my part. And I will lay down my life to do it. Will you?

It's time to choose.

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